Bottleless Water Coolers

Why Are You Working So Hard Just To Get A Drink of Water?

Bottled Water Cooler Hardness How many times have you walked up to the water cooler at work and placed your cup into position, pushed the little button or pulled on the little lever—and then nothing? Or worse, maybe a drop or two trickled out at a critical moment? These critical moments may involve us trying to take an aspirin or two and just enough water comes out of that cooler to give us a false sense of hope—and so we chug the pills. Our cup has just enough water to get the pills half-way down our throat but not enough to actually swallow the things! Frantically, like some desperate animal who knows their oxygen supply is about to run out, we dash to the back room of the office where all those silly water bottles are stored.

Your co-workers, all well aware of the emergency taking place in their midst, began rising from their cubicles. It has happened to all of them at one time or another and they know that you are in no real danger—but they also know that those pills are dissolving in your throat, too! And the more they dissolve, the more frantic you become. As you emerge from the back room with that 40-lb. bottle of water, you find yourself multi-tasking by trying to remove the lid while making a beeline for the cooler. But when you make it there with the lid off and prepared to finally wash those pills down….the empty bottle is still blocking your way!

You are tempted at this point to just chug directly from the new bottle of water, but not only are your co-workers staring at you like a raving lunatic by this point—there just is no way to safely drink from a 40 pound bottle of water! So you set the new bottle down and toss the empty one aside with sheer contempt at the situation, your co-workers, and the inhuman monster who drank the last glass of water without replacing the bottle!

Impatient and eager to finally wash those pills down before they completely dissolve in your throat, you spill a good half-gallon all over your new suit trying to position the new bottle into place. After waiting for the bubbles to stop, you finally place your cup back into place and are rewarded with warm water that seems to help the pills dissolve quicker in your throat. By this point, the entire office is staring and laughing at you and all you can think of is just who was the last person you can remember using the water cooler!

Impatient and eager to finally wash the pills down before they completely dissolve in your throat, you spill a good half-gallon all over your new suit. You should be asking yourself just why it is you are working so hard just to get a simple drink of water.
But instead of plotting revenge against the insensitive oaf who failed to replace the empty bottle, you should be asking yourself just why it is you are working so hard just to get a simple drink of water. After all, there has to be a better way—right??

Indeed, if you are tired of playing the water bottle game with co-workers--or are a business owner fed up with all the lost productivity, office space, and paperwork hassles related to bottled water—then isn’t it time you discovered the convenience, cost-savings, and refreshing pure water produced by Point-Of-Use bottless water coolers?